Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Fishing for comments....

How many readers do I have?

How many people read this and just don't comment?

I have an awesome plan to help me find out....

But if you want to find out the awesomeness that awaits you must read this post. Muahahahahahahahahhahahaha!

Should I talk my major inappropriate crush on Ira Glass? I feel giving today so I'll spare my potential male readers of the details.

Should I discuss the fact that San Antonio 104.5 and Corpus Christi 104.5 are both classic rock stations? Freaky. Should I tell you all how and why I prefer CC 104.5?

 Maybe I should just give everybody a heads up that my birthday is next month. And that I only live two hours away. And that I enjoy both sushi and hot wings. Or maybe I shouldn't because it's suggestive. I don't want to be suggestive *cough*Brittany/Ruben/Steph*cough*

I think I should tell you that I'm making this for dinner sometime before the end of the week. And that you should make it too.

 And now to the point!

Okay, so I need to bake. I want to make cinnamon rolls but the recipe I use makes a lot. So here's my solution, the first 8 people to comment get a pan of cinnamon rolls that I'm gonna bake the night before I head down to Corpus for spring break. Awesome right?! Just leave a comment and let me know if you want regular icing OR a coffee flavored icing :)



Anonymous said...

Regular please! IRA glasses could also be considered IRS glasses, I'm just say n. I'm a regular commenter and reader. Sorry you aren't surprised.

Tia M

Taco Show Host said...

First things first, regular icing. 2nd, if you like Ira Glass you should check out the Wiretap podcast with Jonathan Goldstein. Less heart, more funny, but still appealing to one's love of minutia. http://www.cbc.ca/wiretap/

Aunt Jen said...

I would like regular please. And I love you.

Anonymous said...

I miss you Chicky!!!! ?I need to find out what he did or how IRA Glass impressed you! Knowing you there's probably no telling.

Regular Icing please, I love it when you bake. Gotta keep in touch maam!

Heather Lynch-Guerrero

Mimi said...

I too have had inappropriate crushes such as Bill Nye the Science Guy (Please see my latest blog post). Coffee flavored. Love, Mimi. Drive careful.

Mimi said...

For This American Life's 100th episode earlier this month, Glass identified radio's peculiar -- and rarely realized -- magic: blind intimacy with a single voice. "That feeling that we get together every week, you know, you and me. I mean, literally, that's what it feels like. It feels like you and me. You and me. Even though we don't know each other." All of the show's contributors speak naturally, plainly. But it's Glass who creates the program's aura of intimacy. His syntax is so conversational, his tone so meant-just-for-you, his take on things so available to listeners that, after he ran a piece about getting over an old girlfriend, women all over the country called and sent him little packages and e-mails -- invitations of all sorts -- every day for five weeks. "Did you get together with any of them?" I ask. "Two or three for drinks, but that was it," he says. "We didn't even kiss."