Friday, March 26, 2010

So far......

TODAY RULZ (I can spell rules like that (rulz) because I'm a "G" and a certified bad ass and because I'm a hip and totally cool college kid who is in with all the latest and greatest lingo, yo)

Today started out not so awesome because:

A little after midnight I decided I wanted some sun chips, and if you've had sun chips lately I'm sure you know what I'm to talk about. THE EFFIN LOUD CHIP BAGS. Sun chips now has compostable chip bags, which is cool and "green" and everything but seriously? It's not like someone knocked on my door and told me to stop eating chips or anything but my apartment is a pretty quiet and peaceful place. In the end the loud chip bag ruined my craving for what was inside of it. Jerks. But if you're interested, read about the obnoxious bags here.

Anyway then I woke up insanely early like I have been doing for the past two days because of my totally messed up sleeping schedule, caused by sleeping for and entire day after coming home from spring break. Yeah it's pretty hard to stay out late and then sleep in when you're crashing on the couch >.< plus I'm trying to prove to myself that I'm not addicted to caffeine by not drinking coffee or any other such stimulant for a week or two. Because since being handed down a 4 cup coffee maker I've been drinking it every weekday, I blame Austin and college. Austin for giving me the coffee maker in the first place. And college for driving me to drink it.

But then my day got awesome!


Oh yeah ;)

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Yeah we just had some sun chips too. Can't eat them without the dog and Chuck coming downstairs to see what all the ruckus is about. However, they are very good with artichoke spinach dip.