Saturday, November 14, 2009

My taquito exploded

So there I was watching Law & Order SVU, and when I took my taquitos out of the oven (a few minutes late) they exploded. I think only one was intact.

And then I realized, as a dolloped and enormous portion of sour cream on my plate, I forgot to buy green salsa at the store. This incident reminded me of the lasagna debacle.

A month or so ago Austin (my boyfriend) was coming to visit, so I went to HEB and bought the meals for the weekend. I don't remember the other meals of the weekend but I bought a frozen lasagna dinner and a loaf of french bread to make garlic bread, it was meant to be the "big" dinner of the weekend. The special dinner. But when Austin came here and I told him the meal set up he said "I don't like lasagna."

"YOU DON'T LIKE LASAGNA?!" This was the "BIG" meal of the weekend, the meal I didn't skimp on for the weekend of mac & cheese, Ramen, and grilled cheese.

"I just don't like marinara sauce and that's what lasagna is made with, ya know?" So I went back to the store to get lunch meat, tomatoes, and lettuce. Our "big" meal was now going to be the cheap and bland, and we were to have sandwiches for lunch one day so the french bread wouldn't go stale.

After that weekend I cooked the lasagna in the oven, even though it was just me for awhile after that. And for that whole week all I ate was lasagna, lunch, and dinner. It was ALL lasagna because I couldn't stand for it to be wasted. I broke out with zits all over my face because I didn't want to waste lasagna. And I haven't had it since, I haven't touched marinara sauce, and I just walk right by the frozen section unless it's to grab a box of frozen exploding chicken taquitos.

1 comment:

Aysha said...

I <3 this. I don't let anything go to waste either and it's sad. I used to never eat leftovers but now they're a basic necessity for survival. Can't wait til X-mas for free food :P ahha